the mental faculty of purpose, desire, or will to perform an action; volition.

the mental faculty of purpose, desire, or will to perform an action; volition.
-Kathy Kolbe
There are three parts of the mind: the cognative (thinking), the affective (feeling) and the conative (doing).
Though we engage each in our daily life and creative processes, most of us aren’t aware of how the conative mind’s unchanging nature - our modus operandi (latin for pattern of procedure) - is the biggest predictor of our lives. By understanding our M.O., we free ourselves to take action as we’re naturally designed to. With 40 solid years of research and data, it’s this conative awareness that serves as the cornerstone of the Kolbe Method.
As a Certified Kolbe Consultant, I help you uncover your M.O. and maximize your potential by utilizing your natural advantages, discovering ways to fill your strength gaps and leveraging your true instincts.